#2 Steno Magazine Dictation I Shorthand Dictation 80wpm in English

 Steno Magazine Dictation I Shorthand Dictation 80wpm in English

Dictation Steno For You

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, my party and myself totally oppose the Dunkel proposals. It is very regretful that these proposals have caused infighting among the Cabinet members. One of your Ministers says that export of our country will increase with the acceptance of Dunkel proposals and another Minister says that such acceptance will destroy our country. So, there is difference of opinion in the Cabinet also. One Minister is opposing while another Minister is supporting the Dunkel Proposals. When there is so much difference of opinion in the Cabinet itself, what right they have to remain in Government? One of the two Ministers should go the Minister who is opposing his Government’s policy should resign. If the Government is ready to accept the Dunkel proposals, the Agriculture Minister should resign, and if the Government is not accepting the proposals, the Commerce Minister should resign, as he was praising the proposals. When the farmers resort to agitation for their demands, the entire Government will have to resign.

                Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, our country is severely affected by drought at present. Orissa, Bihar, Maharashtra and eastern part of Uttar Pradesh are affected by drought, but our Central Government decides everything in a haphazard manner. The Prime Minister surveys a State for once and gives Rs. 10 crores, Rs. 20 crores or Rs. 50 crores. Then he goes to another State. Such a haphazard manner cannot solve the problem. There should be a permanent solution. Even after 45 years of Independence the Government has not been able to control drought.

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Steno Magazine Dictation

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